I just got the coolest software for my cricut- I've been playing around with it for a few days now. I thought I'd show off what I made with it. Its called Make The Cut! and it basicly lets me cut out ANYTHING I want with my cricut- no more having to buy cartridges! Yayy!
I cut out the lower half of this page using Make The Cut!, and I layered patterned paper underneath the cut out circles...
I also cut out the "sucker" title, using the fonts from my computer- another cool feature I love about the program. I can cut almost any font on my computer, and I can download any free ones and use them too... the possibilities are endless :)
What a great tool to make your scrapbooks truly you!
ReplyDeletehow cool! I have to say the little guy with the suckers is pretty cool to:)
ReplyDeleteVery cool!! I love all the different patterns:)